Indoor Classroom
Drop-off: We greet and welcome each child for the start of the day.
Classroom Activity and Learning Centers: Classroom activities are offered indoor/outdoor adjacent to classroom to promote a variety of self-directed options. The children may choose to play in one of the many areas: blocks, imaginary play, manipulatives, puzzles, books etc. The play gives the children an excellent opportunity to develop language, social skills, decision making and sensory awareness.
Clean up Time: Teachers establish responsibility and care for the classroom and environment.
Snack Time: Children need nutrition, relaxation, and social interaction.
Circle Time: Group experience to learn how to listen, pay attention, respect individual physical space and stimulate creativity. Examples of circle time include music and movement, story time, and discussing the theme of the week.
Outdoor Play: Play is done on our yard in the "Outdoor Learning Classroom" designed by Child Development experts. We use the resources and knowledge, of people in the field, to create a unique outdoor environment built for exploration and discovery. The various areas are designed to provide options for developing large muscles, improving coordination/strength/balance and social interaction.
Closing: Class reconvenes as a group and prepares for dismissal.
Long Rang Goals for Pioneers Document
Long Rang Goals for Explorers Document
Long Rang Goals for Trailblazers Document
Classroom Activity and Learning Centers: Classroom activities are offered indoor/outdoor adjacent to classroom to promote a variety of self-directed options. The children may choose to play in one of the many areas: blocks, imaginary play, manipulatives, puzzles, books etc. The play gives the children an excellent opportunity to develop language, social skills, decision making and sensory awareness.
Clean up Time: Teachers establish responsibility and care for the classroom and environment.
Snack Time: Children need nutrition, relaxation, and social interaction.
Circle Time: Group experience to learn how to listen, pay attention, respect individual physical space and stimulate creativity. Examples of circle time include music and movement, story time, and discussing the theme of the week.
Outdoor Play: Play is done on our yard in the "Outdoor Learning Classroom" designed by Child Development experts. We use the resources and knowledge, of people in the field, to create a unique outdoor environment built for exploration and discovery. The various areas are designed to provide options for developing large muscles, improving coordination/strength/balance and social interaction.
Closing: Class reconvenes as a group and prepares for dismissal.
Long Rang Goals for Pioneers Document
Long Rang Goals for Explorers Document
Long Rang Goals for Trailblazers Document
Westminster Presbyterian Church
32111 Watergate Road Westlake Village, CA 91361 p: 818-889-1491 f: 818-889-7132 [email protected] Worship Schedule 10:00am - Sundays |