Ministry & Service Groups
Coffee and Meal Preparation
Sunday morning coffee time and various served meals on special occasions always require willing hands. Anyone interested in food preparation is invited to volunteer. Chancel Choir Chancel Choir provides choral music at WPC's traditional Sunday morning service. Weekiy rehearsals are held on Thursdays at 7:30 pm. Auditions are not required. Contact Ed Smart for more information. Moment for Moms Being a Mom is challenging. So, WPC hosts A Moment for Moms on Mondays (alternating monthly in the morning or in the evenings) to create a space for Moms and Mothers-to-be to gather and support each other. The goal is that they would have a place to be known, refreshed and encouraged as they navigate the kingdom work of raising children. Prayer Shawl Ministry All who enjoy knitting or crocheting are invited to join this ministry which creates shawls. Shawls are prayed over before being given to those who are grieving, ill, or in need of comfort. Members of the group are very willing to teach their craft to newcomers. Contact Cathy Howell for more information. |
Westminster Presbyterian Church
32111 Watergate Road Westlake Village, CA 91361 p: 818-889-1491 f: 818-889-7132 [email protected] Worship Schedule 10:00am - Sundays |