Around the Corner...
ACTION (Area Christians Taking Initiative on Need): ACTION's mission is to challenge and mobilize the Christian community to live out their faith through compassionate acts of service and love toward others.
What can I do? Take part in ACTION Serve Day (annual event first Saturday of June) or contact ACTION representatives for work projects.
For more information: ACTION
Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County: Habitat for Humanity provides affordable housing for local families, who also participate in the construction of their new home.
What can I do? Provide hands-on assistance in building a home (no experience necessary)
For more information: Habitat for Humanity
Christmas Giving Tree: The Christmas Giving Tree involves the collection of practical holiday gifts for local needy families.
What can I do? Assist in organizing this annual gift drive.
WPC contact: Sheryl Brownfield
Manna: Located in Thousand Oaks, Manna is the food pantry for the Conejo Valley. It exists because of caring people at churches, clubs and businesses. Manna accepts non-perishable food as well as personal care items (no liquor or medicines). Locally grown produce is also gratefully accepted with advance notice.
What can I do? Donate food and personal care items every week at WPC; the Manna box is located in the Narthex.
WPC Contact: Sheryl Brownfield
For more information:
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Those who enjoy knitting and crocheting create shawls, given with a blessing as WPC gifts to new parents and anyone who is ill or in need of comfort.
What can I do? Knit shawls at home. Experienced prayer shawl members are happy to teach this craft to beginners.
WPC contact: WPC Church Office
Thanksgiving Baskets: Through Lutheran Social Services or MANNA, WPC helps provide needy residents of the Conejo Valley with all the makings of a Thanksgiving dinner.
What can I do? Collect food items, assemble and deliver baskets each November.
WPC contact: WPC Church Office
WPC Winter Shelter (and year-round meals) - Winter Shelter is not operating now due to COVID-19 restrictions
The WPC Community Outreach Center opens its doors every Wednesday to offer hot meals, compassion and encouragement to the homeless in the Conejo Valley community. December through March, a place to sleep and shower is also provided. Outreach is to the working poor and the unemployed; to singles and families of all ages.
What can I do? Help with meals the first Wednesday of every month; be a supply coordinator; be a sleepover host; donate needed supplies. Help is needed in many areas.
WPC Contact: Sheryl Brownfield
Westminster Free Clinic: Founded at WPC (now located at United Methodist Church, 1000 E. Janss Rd, Thousand Oaks), the Free Clinic provides medical screening, referrals, health care and education, and a licensed pharmacy. The Clinic sponsors an intern program for teens interested in a medical career (highly competitive application process; preference given to WPC youth).
What can I do? Doctors, nurses and other medical professionals needed. Clerical support needed. Or, provide snacks for clients on Wednesday evenings.
For more information: Westminster Free Clinic
Westminster Presbyterian Church
32111 Watergate Road Westlake Village, CA 91361 p: 818-889-1491 f: 818-889-7132 [email protected] Worship Schedule 10:00am - Sundays |