Inviting all people to follow Jesus on a journey of faith, friendship, and service.
We're continuing our series through Ruth tomorrow, discussing the many ways God provides. If you'd like to read ahead, we'll focus mostly on Ruth 2.
Children will join the adults in the Sanctuary at the start of the service, and then be invited to the COURTYARD ROOM (located next to the library) for Sunday School. Olivia Valleie and Katie Silverstein are our teachers this weekend. Find them in the Narthex before church!
The devastation caused by the recent fires has caused immense need. Whether it’s supporting first responders or helping families begin the process of rebuilding, there are ample opportunities to bring hope through our generosity.
Giving Financially - Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has set up a fund that will directly help victims of the January 2025 fires. Click here to donate(PDA directly helped families from our church and preschool when fires struck our own community in 2018).
Every Sunday one of our team of trained Stephen Ministers is available after the worship service. The bench sits in our courtyard, allowing you to talk with someone who will listen without judgment. The Stephen Minister will offer to pray with you, but you're also welcome to share whatever is on your heart. Stop by sometime!
Give Financially - You may give during the service on Sunday, use one of the QR codes above, give online here, or mail a check to the church office: 32111 Watergate Road, Westlake Village, CA 91361.
Contact the church staff with questions or concerns: or call 818.889.1491